Sunday, September 17, 2017

Social Media Revolution & Using Technologies Within the Classroom

Is social media changing the way we live our lives? This is the question that the video, Social Media Revolution (2011) strives to answer. Video creator, Erik Qualman, provides viewers with facts and figures regarding social media and how it effects our population back in 2011. There are a few points Qualman made that stood out to me. At :19, Qualman claims that social media effects our offline behavior. As an avid social media user, I can attest to that. It made me think of the way people are speaking in everyday life. For example, I have personally witnessed people using online phrases like lol (laugh out loud), tbt (throwback Thursday), bae (before anyone else), yolo (you only live once) and goat (greatest of all time), in everyday life. While I agree with many of Qualman's claims, there are some that I think are exaggerations. For example, at :32, Qualman claims that Kindergarteners are doing all of their learning on iPads and not on chalkboards. Yes, many teachers are using iPads within their classrooms. However, I believe that most teachers are using iPads to enhance learning. Overall, I believe that there are pros and cons of having social media so prevalent in our lives. I do think it is amazing that we can reach a large, diverse audience in a matter of seconds. However, I do see how many individuals are becoming reliant on social media, and because of that, may be missing out on aspects of everyday life.

The use of technology within schools has been a hot topic for many educators over the past few years. In the video, The Future Starts Now creator KT -senteret describes how the use of technology can be beneficial for future students. However, because this video was made in 2012, many of KT's claims are either false or have came true! KT first starts the video with the question of, "if students know how to use technologies (laptops, mobile devices, iPads), why don't they use them in school?" Because this video was made almost 5 years ago, and that technology is always changing and growing, I believe this question to be untrue. Now, more than ever, schools are implementing technology into various parts of the day. Some schools even use technology for note taking, test taking, textbooks, and collaborative projects. Overall, KT's purpose of the video is to educate users on ICT (information and communication technologies) and how implementing ICT more into schools will better motivate and engage students in learning. Personally, I have witnessed first hand how this statement can be truthful. Students are naturally more engaged and excited to learn when the lesson involves their iPad or a computer. It also allows students to visualize and manipulate what they are learning, something they may not have been able to do with a printed textbook. 

Overall, after viewing these videos I am certain on one thing; using technologies within my classroom can be beneficial to my students' success. However, I must implement them correctly in order for them to truly enhance learning. 


  1. I enjoyed reading your blog and I completely agree that there are pros and cons of social media in our lives. I deleted my facebook last year. I realized people around me are LIVING for facebook. Many people take pictures only to post them on facebook. Remember when we used to take pictures, print them and put them in an album for ourselves? Now, it seems like people are trying to post cool things to impress their friends. This is just my opinion! I completely agree that people are missing out on living life because they're too busy being connected. While I think social media is having a negative impact on human relationships, I can see the use of social media for educational purposes

  2. I have a relative who lives her entire life around Facebook and Instagram. She has every moment of her children's lives on it. They live far away and if we want to know anything about them, we have to go on FB. When they're here, she is always posing herself, her kids, or objects for FB or Insta. It's to the point where her 1 yo and 5 yo know how to pose for the camera when she pulls out her phone! I think social media has a place for many things, but there are folks for whom it has taken over their lives and that is sad. What is especially sad is when very young kids think it is ok to put their entire lives on SM because they see their parents doing it and they don't realize the perils that can come with it.


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