Friday, November 10, 2017


Podcasting is the process of using the Internet to make audio recordings. Users can then download those recordings to a computer or mobile device. Not only can Podcasts be used for entertainment purposes, they can also be used as a learning tool. In my 5h grade class, we're currently discussing persuasive articles, and how to use those articles to formulate your own opinion on a topic. As I was diving into the world of Podcasting, I realized I could use them in order to teach this topic to my students.

To do this, I would have my students listen to a Podcast about a certain news story. Then, I would have them list pros and cons of that certain topic that they learned about in the Podcast. Next, I would have them write their own Persuasive essay based on the facts they learned about in the Podcast.

Many Podcasts can work for this proposed assignment. However, this one, found on Freakonomics, would fit perfectly. It is especially great for my students who have English as a second language. They would be able to both listen and read a transcript of the Podcast which proposes the question, "Thinking Is Expensive. Who’s Supposed to Pay for It?" In short, this Podcast discusses how "corporations and rich people donate billions to their favorite think tanks and foundations." It will have students questioning, "should we be grateful for their generosity — or suspicious of their motives?"

This platform allows students to receive the information in both auditory and visual forms. It also is short and to the point, which is essential for younger students who may not have the capability to attend to a longer Podcast. My students will listen to this Podcast and formulate their own opinions on the topic. They will pick a side; do they think you should be grateful for donations made from the wealthy, or suspicious of their motives? They will then write their own persuasive essays. This assignment would be aligned with the following NYS Learning Standard:
Performance Indicator - ESL.I.5- Students read, listen to, view, write about, and discuss texts and performances from a wide range of authors, subjects, and genres.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of them listening and seeing the transcript, especially if they are ELLs. The idea of them learning persuasive writing is so interesting to me. I wish my 8th graders could do this The thought of students at the 5th grade level whose 1st language may not be English is such a monumental undertaking. Very cool. I also love your choice of article because it presents a very American idea of free press and free speech and makes one think about the literal and figurative cost of it all.


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